Illustration of what and why the optimal TMS coil orientation is defined.
Topographic defined Spatial Visual Maps (SUMA-AFNI)
Exemplar of drawing output of pRF mapping with AFNI SUMA, including the topographic features of V1-V3AB, IPS0-2, sPCS and iPCS.
A guide to read the visual assessment report of QSIPrep preprocessing result for diffusion imaging data.
- Submit SBATCH Jobs to HPC Slurm
- Bash, AWS, and SSH Tips
- Remote Control - Mac
- Installation of AFNI
- Installation of ANTs
- dmriprep topup odd slices error solution
Data Processing
- iEye: A package translate the eye-tracking raw EDF into scored responses on each trial for memory-guided saccade (MGS) tasks.
- iEye_ts/wmLoads_mgs: My adapted package for Multi-item Whole report MGS task.
- ieye_eyelink_tutorial: My slides for gaze-contingent Experiment with PsychToolbox EyeLink, and analysis with iEye.
Comp Modeling
- MemToolbox: A Matlab toolbox for analyzing visual working memory data. By Timothy Brady, UC San Diego.
- My Tutorial with MATLAB scripts
- My Tutorial with MATLAB scripts
- Tutorial - A High-Dimensional View of Neuroscience: Tutorial session at CCN 2023. By Michael Bonner, JHU.